Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Time Lapse

wow.. how long have i been off the blogging scene? even my chatterbox died lol.

well there isn;t much to explain actually for why i had not been blogging.. havent been an active blogger anyway haha.

just dropping by to say hi to you guys (IF anyone still visits my blog for that matter) lol and hope that i will keep posting as part of doing something healthy instead of playing online RPGs during my free time, which is also so limited nowadays... -__-"

take care my dear friends, will post an update bout life soon ^^

better hit the bed now... its freaking 4 am *yawns*


GLO said...

god now only update...beh siu beh siu.

of course ppl still read ur blog. i dunno bout others but i rss ur blog. so once u update i knew it instantly.

good one pal. looks like last night both of us are stucked in the path of old time.

let hope guide us. let love guide us. let friendship shine our path.


Tan Sri said...

omitofat pulak

phyee86 said...

i also got rss ur blog.
n i also notice ur chatterbox has died for sumtime.

serene said...

ya man! welcome back to de world of blogging! =)

another karaoke session soon, i presume.. =P

Wei Zhi said...

lolz! ok ok... din noe that i shud put in more effort to update my blog haha.

ok... will not let this be some cyber waste ^^

june_o said...

YAY someone updated.....sigh....didn't update i feel bad

raptor_ravenlord said...

better than mine. got pwned a 3rd time. gonna need lots of gold n mana to cast ressurrection this time.....