Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Chick Language

The sun is up, the breeze is cool and hola, a new semester has returned in accompaniment of the coolest summer in 20 years! Summer, is of course the season of seasons ... and when I say cool summer its not just the temperature dudes, it is all about the dancing candies and melting ice creams right beneath the sun's brilliant spotlight!

Being an engineering student for most of my academic years, God has bestowed me and my nerdy brethens with the hyper-charged chick radar as a reward to our zealous patronage to the God of Singlehood. A sad gift if you take it negatively, but definitely the most refreshing ability one can have amidst a life of routine and sausage sizzles ;) However, if theres a time to be thankful, then its got to be this year! From every nook and corner of the city, to the corridors and fields of uni, I can feel my single-sense tingling! Recession or not, i am stating this for a fact.... Perth is invaded by chicks.

Yes my dude friends! Forget Japan! This gotta be the very crest of the new chick revolution wave! (so please do overlook the expenses and come visit me ... I will supply photoproofs the nxt time xD)

Naturally, there is not much sense in just looking at chicks as if they are just part of a movie film flicking past your time frame, and quoting a word of relationship advice from Sir Isaac Newton: " If there is no action, there is no reaction". And action, gave me my first taste of chick language (ya ya i know, but this is a personal achievement so overlook it if you must xD).

Being young, sometimes it is easy to believe that it is just a matter of instinct and mindset to talk to a complete stranger and walk away with their contact and leaving a good impression to warrant a date. Some people do it as if it is natural, chatting up every girl in their vicinity but now i truly believe that it is an art that comes with trials and errors.

I met this really cute girl at the post office just an hour before writing this post. We were at the stamp table finalising address details and I noticed her neat handwriting, slightly wavy long black hair along with her captivating smile which reflects her pleasant personality -- All first impressions but they are more than often accurate ^_^. I really wanted to get to know her, that was the first instinctive thought that crossed my mind. But oddly enough, I do not know what to say to start off a mutual conversation. Thinking hard while filling up my letter, I was about to give up when she asked me if I happen to have some bottled water as the sponge for dapping stamps have dried up. Miraculously, something made me, the guy that drinks less than 4 cups of water a day to bring out a water bottle before i took the bus to uni lol! In the end I managed to talk to her but somehow I think I had been too busy playing cool to forget asking her for her name and number even after a good 7 minute chat lol. I am still kicking myself for this but well, i will have to take her number the next time i see her at uni... hopefully the small world theory holds lol.

Morale of the story, it is hard to engage in a good mutual converstation if one does not attempt to practice it often. I was definitely there talking about random stuff and hoping that somehow it goes in a direction i wanted it to go. Being infront of an attractive stranger, it is easy to get into a defensive stance in attemp to make sure that no negative impressions are "accidentedly" played out. While it is natural to assume this is the safest way to talk, I now think that it prevents ones true personality to shine and definitely reduces the effort put into a talk. Maybe to talk chick, one must not be a chicken xD.

I guess being holed up with games and animes really did cost me a lot of communication ability with girls afterall haha. Considering that girls I find attractive are normally educated ones with pleasant personalities, i really need to be more out going in studying chick language haha. Admist this recession and financial crisis, I am glad that the sun still shines and hope is still reflected in the smiles of tomorrow afterall... ;)

Sooo my cool friends out there... any advice for this little noobie here? xD

On another note, I just moved to a new place and am currently without internet. Imagine the sadness. I will announce it with a big bang the day i get internet back into my life xD.


Lin said...

ROTFL so is that chick an aussie? or asian? =D

Harry MacDowel said...

huge chance it's an asian tho, knowing wz...

btw dude u gonna be cool about this hahaha! I couldn't say that flirting is my specialty though but i guess u are getting the hype of how i feel everytime i get around to talk with chicks haha. Altho i not gonna encourage u to flirt so much but when u get ur internet i will let u in on some secret jutsu that i happened to complete up until now.

just be honest, and with good intention. that will serve u a good start. and btw, READ a lot and EXPERIENCE a lot. girls will be easily impressed by how u get to know why u mustn't hold a wineglass by putting the glass in ur palm and if you can actually come up wif a old shakespeare or tang dynasty poem about wine or alcohol they will be blown off. (of course, hafto judge on the situation haha)

but then...practice makes perfect. i look forward to u reporting back to me about how much u improve. LOL

make sure u give us a big bang when the internet strikes!!!

raptor_ravenlord said...

shit man, ur making me jealous haha.... well im certainly not here to give advice cuz if ur looking for a guy even worse at chatting up chicks then im him...

n dun forget ur 'photoproof' leh... looking forward to seeing juz wat kind of chick-farm perth has turned into ahhaha

Wei Zhi said...

lol ghee got it right there its an asian chick of cuz xD I find asians attractive while ang mohs hot lol.

ok ok photoproof soon soon... now i juz got word that my internet is active haha, gonna go home to set it up after this I-lecture!! bwahahahhaa

Kryptos said...

"Old Mc Donald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O."

heheh, look who's trying to hook girls! good luck ;)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

oh gosh i am missing out on so much in perth haha... now u have my taste in commerce chicks hehe. Good job! =) (damn i am suppose to be spying how come now i am commenting hahahaha!!) hows the chicks in class? any good?

Lin said...

LOL...well, i thought mayb she could be an ABC ma. =D ok then...good luck to u. XD

Wei Zhi said...

hoi keith! u nigga!! how come u nv online but zhao here comment on my blog?? n kns... y u come spy on my blog while u nv make ur blog public ah... sibei jialat lah u
finish ur thesis d o not? lol

eelin>> thx! i hv been trying to spot her but i guess the small world theory is still not true.. for now xD